- Venue: Praga, Czech Republic
- Plenary Meeting
- Public Acceptance-(Mr Dimitri Schildmeijer )
- Technical presentations
- Strain-based pipeline design — Dr. Nobuhisa Suzuki, P.E.,JFE Steel Corporation (This presentation is not available)
- Gas network modelling — Martin Stýblo, SIMONE Research Group,s.r.o.
- Stakeholder Management — an approach for gas pipeline projects— Carlos Sergio de C. Mazzei, TBG-
- Country presentations
- New gas transmission projects in Slovakia (This presentation is not available)
- Summary Study Groups, Tasks for next term
- Venue of the next meeting The next meeting will held in Oran -Argelia in March 2015. In the following days we will confirm the information or this event
- Closing remarks (Mr Benjamín Guzmán )
Working Committee 3 Prague report